Every family deserves the gift of support but we realize cost can be a barrier to ours for many families. If this is true of yours, here are  some options to consider... 

Spread Your Purchase Over Four Payments

We're happy to break your support purchase into four auto-drafts every two weeks. Click the button below for your desired package.

Start Small

If you are in need of sleep solutions for your child between the ages of 4 months and 2 years (in a crib), be aware that you can start with our DIY online class which costs just $149. In this video course, you'll learn the most common causes of sleep struggles in babies and toddlers and solutions you can implement right away. The 2.5 hour course is divided into 18 videos you can watch at your own pace. Along the way, you'll learn how to prepare for sleep changes, the mechanics of sleep and sleep struggles, and create a sleep plan to implement on your own. 

Learn More About Our DIY Sleep Course

We also offer live group classes in-person and virtually for both sleep and potty-training so be sure to check our events calendar for dates. Classes tend to cost around $50 depending on the host facility.

View Upcoming Events
Use Your HSA/FSA Dollars
Many families have been able to use these funds (pre-tax dollars!) to cover the cost of support or have secured reimbursement. If you are using a HSA debit card, you can simply use the card to pay for services at checkout*. If you want to use your FSA funds follow these steps*:

1. Contact your FSA Administrator and let them know that you would like to have services covered. You may need to complete some paperwork before purchasing. Our services may be classified under the category “Health Institute Fee” so be sure to ask about this specifically.

2. It may help to get a ‘letter of medical necessity’ from your child's pediatrician. To do so, call their office to let them know what you’re doing and, more than likely, they will be happy to provide one.

3. You may have to pre-pay for your services and submit a receipt for reimbursement. Just ask us for a receipt which you can then submit it to your FSA administrator.

*Note: Every fund has its own parameters so we cannot guarantee coverage or reimbursement. Be sure to do any necessary legwork to confirm the parameters of yours before making your purchase in these ways. 

We look forward to making support accessible for your family!

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